Recent Expeditions

The Julie Vein

The Julie Vein Discovering a fluorescent mineral deposit in Ontario   WHO:  George, Julie, Jon WHEN:  July 9 – 11, 2022 WHERE: North Shore of Lake Superior, Ontario, Canada   It was a cool and rainy day when George, Julie and I drove north into Ontario in search of fluorite crystals at a place we [...]

EOCENE ECHINOIDS – Levy County, Florida

Who: Mike, Ann, Jon, Julie We loaded the boat on a nice day in Crystal River, Florida and motored west to the off-shore islands in search of Eocene echinoids - mostly fossil sea biscuits and sand dollars.  We have been exploring these small islands for 25 years and have spent time on most of them.  They were [...]

AGATIZED CORAL – Lowndes County, Georgia

December, 1973  AGATIZED CORAL Lowndes County, Georgia Who: Kramer Family - Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Mike, Diane, Jon, Bill, and our Persian long-haired cat Boomerang This trip was three days camping along the river in the back woods of southern Georgia.  It was perhaps our second trip to this site and we found plenty of specimens to [...]